About ClearDATA Inc.
ClearDATA was conceived and designed from the ground up to serve the mission-critical system needs and regulatory requirements of healthcare organizations. Our founders drew upon their own experience, as well as that of the top engineers, systems architects, and visionaries from the healthcare IT and cloud computing industries, to create the most robust, secure, reliable, and HIPAA-compliant cloud computing solution in the industry.
As the market leader for healthcare cloud computing and information security services for providers, life sciences, payers, and healthcare technology organizations, our solutions enable our customers to fully automate, protect, and securely manage healthcare applications, data, and IT infrastructure in the cloud.
There was a bottleneck between design and development. This prevented the application from being developed efficiently, which directly translated to ROI for ClearData.
To migrate existing designs from Photoshop and Illustrator to Sketch. A Sketch component library and design system was also built to speed up the design process. This allowed the Director of UX to create layouts efficiently and with speed. To ensure the team was proficient, consultation and training was another duty of mine. Zeplin was also introduced to ease handoff from design to development.